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Scihub可下载大部分历史文献,但最近的文献无法下载;若希望获得最新文献,可在淘宝购买数据库账号,通常含大部分中外数据库;Web of Science即SCI检索,它的数据库质量高且内容丰富,还提供初步的文献计量分析;国外博士论文可使用Open Access Theses and Dissertations数据库。
原文: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-01266-1 作者:Sarah Marie Strand, Association of Polar Early Career Scientists, Tromsø, Norway. Mathieu Casado, Laboratory for Sciences of Climate and Environment, Gif-sur-Yvette, France.
sta: status 0 to 7: see *.HXV 16: one of the three displacements outside +/- 4s. 32: two of the three displacements outside +/- 4s. 48: all three displacements outside +/- 4s. 64: dummy vector to replace unreceived vector 128: gap in GPS link (DWR-G buoys only) hv: heave [cm] no: north displacement [cm] we: west displacement [cm]
3、WVS:the chronological list of upcross waves
Meaning: upcross WaVeS data Description: the chronological list of upcross waves Buoys: DWR MkI, MkII, MkIII From: post-processing Format: Ascii/Text, decimal
Format Summary (12 parameters) . Timestamp: date and time (ISO8601) Coverage: percentage of raw data used in constructing the upcross waves [%] Hmax: maximum wave height [cm] T(Hmax): period of the highest wave [s] H[1/10]: mean height of the highest 1/10 of the waves [cm] T(H[1/10]): mean period of the highest 1/10 of the waves [s] H[1/3]: mean height of the highest third of the waves [cm] T(H[1/3]): mean period of the highest third of the waves [s] Hav: mean height of all waves [cm] Tav: mean period of all waves [s] eps: bandwidth parameter [-] NumWaves: number of upcross waves [-]
List of upcross waves (NumWaves x 4 matrix) . rank, crest, trough, period
rank: index of wave when sorted ascendingly (1 = highest) crest: maximum heave within present upcross wave trough: minimum heave within present upcross wave period: duration of present upcross wave NB: the wave height of an upcross wave is the difference between crest and trough.
4、spt:the heave and directional spectrum
Meaning: SPecTral data Description: the heave and directional spectrum Buoys: DWR MkI, MkII, MkIII From: post-processing Format: Ascii/Text, decimal
Format System file (12 parameters) tn: transmission index (1 to 8) Hs: significant wave height [cm] Tz: zero-upcross period [s] Smax: maximum of the psd S(f) [m^2/Hz] Tref: reference temperature [°C, centigrade] Tsea: Sea surface temperature [°C, centigrade] Bat: Battery status (0 = empty to 7 = full) Av: offset of the vertical accelerometer Ax: offset of the x-accelerometer Ay: offset of the y-accelerometer Ori: buoy orientation [°] Incli: magnetic inclination [°]
f: wave frequency [Hz] S(f) / Smax: relative psd (power spectral density) [-] Dir(f): wave direction [°] Spr(f): directional spread [°] Skew(f): skewness of the directional distribution [-] Kurt(f): kurtosis of the directional distribution [-]
% Load spectral density data From SPT file TrPath='test.spt'; TrFid = fopen(TrPath,'r'); % 路径 FormatString='%f,%f %*[^\n]'; % 读取数据的类型 Ctr = textscan(TrFid, FormatString, 'HeaderLines', 12,'EndOfLine','\r\n'); Ctr = cell2mat(Ctr); % 转矩阵 fclose(TrFid);
% Load max value of spectral density form SPT file TrPath='test.spt'; TrFid = fopen(TrPath,'r'); FormatString='%f'; % 读取数据格式 smax = textscan(TrFid, FormatString, 'HeaderLines', 3); smax = cell2mat(smax); % 转矩阵 fclose(TrFid);
% Calculate PSD using RAW data wb=load('test.raw'); fs_g=1.28;% hz len=length(wb(:,2)); [Pxx_wb,fxx_wb]=pwelch(wb(:,2)/100,fix(len/20),[],[],fs_g,'onesided');
由于数据开放程度高,原理简单,海冰反演在我国的研究较为广泛。另外我国极地事业的不断发展也对海冰调查提出了更多需求,促进了该领域的发展。下面以Web of Science检索的SCI文章为样本,简单统计中国学者的研究情况。使用的关键词为“sea ice” and “depth” and “satellite”,设置国家为中国,出现106篇文章,其中包含一部分的国际合作研究。
REM GMT EXAMPLE 01 REM REM Purpose: Make two contour maps based on the data in the file osu91a1f_16.nc REM GMT modules: set, subplot, grdcontour, coast REM gmt begin ex01 gmt set MAP_GRID_CROSS_SIZE_PRIMARY 0 FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY 10p gmt subplot begin 2x1 -A -M0.5c -Blrtb -Bafg -T"Low Order Geoid" -Fs16c/0 -Rg -JH16c gmt coast -JH? -Glightbrown -Slightblue -c0,0 gmt grdcontour @osu91a1f_16.nc -C10 -A50+f7p -Gd10c -Ln -Wcthinnest,- -Wathin,- -T+d8p/2p+l gmt grdcontour @osu91a1f_16.nc -C10 -A50+f7p -Gd10c -LP -T+d8p/2p+l
gmt coast -JH0/? -Glightbrown -Slightblue -c1,0 gmt grdcontour @osu91a1f_16.nc -C10 -A50+f7p -Gd10c -Ln -Wcthinnest,- -Wathin,- -T+d8p/2p gmt grdcontour @osu91a1f_16.nc -C10 -A50+f7p -Gd10c -LP -T+d8p/2p gmt subplot end gmt end show
上述代码是GMT6风格。大概意思如下: ‘REM’表示注释,gmt begin 表示开始,gmt set在本例中修改一些绘图默认值,gmt coast表示正式的绘图开始,这一行是加海岸线,后面各有不同含义,按顺序执行。
水文浮标,include air temperature and pressure, wind speed and direction, wind gust, and sea surface temperature.The buoys (and a few C-MAN stations located on offshore towers) also report wave data, usually including wave height, wave period, and wave spectra.
Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP) is operated by the Ocean Engineering Research Group (OERG), part of the Integrative Oceanography Division (IOD) at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO).
新西兰土地信息局(Land Information New Zealand,LINZ)是一个负责新西兰地理和测绘,以及处理土地所有权,管理政府土地和财产的政府公共服务部门。新西兰地理局秘书处是新西兰土地信息局下属机构,它提供行政和研究援助和咨询。新西兰土地信息局在1996年成立,地址位于新西兰惠灵顿6011新西兰广播电台大厦,年度预算为4.58252亿美元,部长为Hon Louise Upston。
The OSI SAF develops, processes and distributes, in near real-time, products related to key parameters of the ocean-atmosphere interface. The OSI SAF also offers climatological data records.The OSI SAF team focuses on sea surface winds, sea and sea ice surface temperature, radiative fluxes : downward longwave irradiance and surface solar irradiance, sea ice concentration, edge, type, emissivity, drift.
The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) supports research into our world’s frozen realms: the snow, ice, glaciers, frozen ground, and climate interactions that make up Earth’s cryosphere. NSIDC manages and distributes scientific data, creates tools for data access, supports data users, performs scientific research, and educates the public about the cryosphere.
NASA’s Earth Science Data Systems (ESDS) program oversees the life cycle of NASA’s Earth science data—from acquisition through processing and distribution.
NASA’s Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for Earth Observing Systems (LANCE) leverages existing satellite data processing systems in order to provide data and imagery available from select EOS instruments (currently AIRS, AMSR2, ISS LIS, MISR, MLS, MODIS, MOPITT, OMI, OMPS, and VIIRS) within 3 hours of satellite overpass. These data meet the timely needs of applications such as numerical weather and climate prediction, forecasting and monitoring natural hazards, agriculture, air quality and disaster relief.
The Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS) was initially developed to provide a central data bank for NASA’s Crustal Dynamics Project (CDP). The system continues to support the space geodesy and geodynamics community through NASA’s Space Geodesy Project as well as NASA’s Earth Science Enterprise.Mainly including GNSS, SLR VLBI, DORIS,
Collection, processing, calibration, validation of ocean-related products from a large number of operational, satellite-based remote-sensing missions providing ocean color, sea surface temperature and sea surface salinity data to the international research community since 1996.
Focusing on human interactions in the environment, SEDAC has as its mission to develop and operate applications that support the integration of socioeconomic and earth science data and to serve as an “Information Gateway” between earth sciences and social sciences.
ECMWF produce and disseminate weather forecast data for the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NHMSs) of ECMWF Member and Co-operating States and their authorised users. ECMWF also archives data and makes this available to authorised users. Some data is also made available under licence and some is publicly available.
Copernicus is the European Union’s Earth observation programme, looking at our planet and its environment to benefit all European citizens. It offers information services that draw from satellite Earth Observation and in-situ (non-space) data.
The APDRC is building towards a vision of one-stop shopping of climate data and products for our users. Including Ocean temperature, Salinity, Nutrients, Sea level.